Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our Poor Little Baby!!!

On our way out the door before the Old Guard Ball on Friday, Emma took her first horrible fall. She falls constantly, usually whines a bit, and gets over it pretty quickly. This time it was different. She started SCREAMING. We all kind of thought she was just being a grump, and my mom put her in her high chair. She kept screaming, and all of a sudden blood came pooling out of her mouth. Of course, I saw this, started freaking out and ran over to her. Then all three of us (me, my mom, and Dru) were all running around the kitchen to get a towel to clean her up, my mom was grabbing her from the high chair, and neither Dru or I could even hold her because we were all dolled up for the ball. Great. She's screaming, we'll all dressed up and can't console her the way we would like. She got a really bad cut on the inside of her mouth, and it kept bleeding for about 10 minutes. We eventually got her to calm down, and the blood stopped coming down so fast. It was probably one of the scariest things I've ever seen. You only ever see blood pooling out of someone's mouth like that in the movies, and the character is generally dying. Not a good thought for a parent to be thinking, I must say. I thought about her ALL evening, and we called my mom non stop to make sure she was okay. At least we did eventually make it to the ball, but my poor little baby wouldn't drink her bottle that night from the pain. She is totally fine now, and I don't think she even remembers, let alone has anymore pain. Sheesh. Being a parent is one giant heart attack. Here's a picture of the aftermath on her shirt after she calmed down.